Smooth Operators: Botox vs Dysport - Which Wrinkle Treatment Reigns Supreme in Royal Oak?

Published on
February 16, 2024

I came across a statistic the other day that had me baffled, and I’d like to share it with my fellow Royal Oak community: 

The 43 muscles in the face are capable of making more than 10,000 facial expressions. 

As vital as these facial expressions are to the way we communicate with others, there’s also a dark side to them that most people don’t think about – wrinkles. While fine lines are primarily caused by aging and sun exposure, deeper wrinkles are generally the result of repetitive facial movements – or expressions. 

Crow’s feet. Frown lines. Forehead lines. Bunny lines. Laugh lines. Lip lines. Marionette lines. 

These deeper wrinkles are what most of us fear about the natural aging process. They slowly form, one day at a time, growing deeper and deeper with each facial expression we make.

It sounds like a nightmare, but don’t worry – there’s a way out!

Enter botulinum toxin. 

Botulinum toxin, also known as the ‘miracle toxin,’ is a neurotoxin derived from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. There are seven types of botulinum toxin, but we’re only talking about one of them today: 

Botulinum toxin type A. 

This tiny neuromodulator is the primary active ingredient in Botox and Dysport – two of the most popular wrinkle treatments in the world. They work in similar ways – smoothing the appearance of wrinkles by paralyzing facial muscles in areas where creases and lines form – but are each unique in their own way. 

Cut from the same cloth but stitched with two different proteins, we’re about to teach you everything you need to know about the similarities – and differences – between these two wrinkle-fighting neurotoxins.

Botox: The OG Neuromodulator

Botox, also known as onabotulinumtoxinA, was initially discovered in the 1970s when Allan Scott, known as the ‘Father of Botox,’ started experimenting with botulinum toxin injections for treating strabismus (crossed eyes). It gained FDA approval for strabismus, blepharospasm, and hemifacial spasm in 1989.

Then, in 2002, the FDA approved it as a temporary cosmetic treatment for three particular wrinkles:  

  • Glabellar Lines - also known as ‘frown lines’ or ‘11s,’ these usually consist of two vertical lines between your two eyebrows. They generally form when you frown or use a confused expression.
  • Forehead Lines - when you raise your eyebrows, you’ll notice a series of creases (almost like little waves) form on your forehead. Over time, these waves turn into deep creases and wrinkles.
  • Crow’s Feet - these wrinkles can form while smiling, laughing, or squinting. They look like tiny little crow’s feet, hence the name, and are located on the outside corners of each eye. 

Botox injections work by blocking the signals from the nerves to the muscles, which prevents the muscles from contracting. This results in a smoother, more youthful appearance. However, it's important to note that Botox should only be administered by a licensed medical professional -- but that's what we're here for!

Dysport: The New Kid on the Block

Dysport, also known as abobotulinumtoxinA, might look like the new kid on the block, but it’s actually been around for more than three decades. It first became available in 1991 – two years after Botox received its first approval by the FDA – but it was only available in Europe, and several other countries.

Then, in April 2009, Dysport made its arrival in the United States. 

The FDA approved it for glabellar lines – much like its Botox counterpart – but Dysport was more diluted, contained less protein, and was able to spread more quickly. Of course, that translates to faster results. 

More than two million people in the United States have already undergone a Dysport transformation – and another 100 million people have joined worldwide. While Botox is much more popular in the US, Dysport continues to be an attractive option for those who want to focus on those pesky lines between the brows.

At the end of the day, you should follow the direct recommendation of your practitioner – they’ll help you find the right treatment, and might even combine the two (along with fillers) for more optimal results.

Dysport vs. Botox: What’s the Difference? 

Dysport and Botox have both been around for several decades. They’re both made from the same botulinum toxin type A, they both paralyze the muscles in the face, and they’re both administered by way of injection. There are a lot of similarities between these two neurotoxins, but they’re vastly different. 

Here are some of the most prominent distinctions between the two: 

FDA-approved. As we explained above, Botox is approved for glabellar lines, forehead lines, and crow’s feet, while Dysport is only approved for glabellar lines – though they can be used for other wrinkles, too.

Timeline. Patients will start to see results from Dysport within 2-3 days, while Botox results can take 1-2 weeks. Both treatments are temporary and will last 4-5 months before being metabolized by the body.

Units. One unit of Botox has about the same potency as three units of Dysport. While that doesn’t mean Botox is better or worse, it does mean that more Dysport is needed to achieve the same effect in Botox.

Cost. Because Dysport is more diluted than Botox, it costs about one-third less per unit. Although cheaper by the unit, the procedures end up being similar in cost because you use more of the Dysport. 

Choosing between Dysport and Botox doesn’t always come down to preference. What works best for one person might not work well for someone else. That’s why it’s important to consult with a practitioner who has experience working with both neurotoxins – they can help you navigate the options in front of you.

Avenue 1: Helping Royal Oak Make the Right Decision

Are you starting to notice fine lines and wrinkles around your eyes, nose, lips, and forehead? Is the natural aging process quickly creeping up on you? Do you want to regain that youthful appearance you had in your 20s? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the questions above, then you’ve come to the right place.

At Avenue 1 Aesthetics, we want our patients to feel comfortable in their skin. 

Whether you’re interested in a neuromodulator – like the two (Botox and Dysport) we discussed above – or another skincare treatment designed to make you look younger and healthier. From dermal fillers to IPL treatment, microneedling, chemical peels, and PRP therapy – we’re Royal Oak’s one-stop shop. 

Contact us today at (248) 254-8211 to schedule a consultation with one of our leading experts, or book an appointment online by clicking here. We can’t wait to help you achieve the look of your dreams!

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