Lumecca IPL - What It Is and How It Works

Published on
October 3, 2023
Lindsi McAlister
Lindsi McAlister

Lumecca IPL is a procedure that can help reduce the appearance of various types of pigmented and vascular lesions on the face and other parts of the body. It's a breakthrough therapy that takes existing IPL technology to the next level and provides powerful results to people suffering from certain kinds of skin blemishes. If you've never heard of it, we're here to change that. Today, we're discussing what Lumecca IPL is, what it treats, and its efficacy.

What is Lumecca IPL?

Lumecca IPL is a face and body treatment that takes existing IPL technology to the next level. IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light. This light has long been used to treat a variety of pigmented and vascular lesions on the face and body. Think of things like dark spots or rosacea.

Lumecca is a system that uses three times more energy than any other IPL system. This extra energy in the 500 to 600 nm range, along with a special handpiece equipped with a xenon flash lamp, improves the system's ability to correct skin lesions and spots in a way that provides meaningful, visible results.

How does IPL work?

So you know that IPL is Intense Pulsed Light, but what does that really mean? What does it do? As a trusted provider of Lumecca IPL in Royal Oak, Pleasant Ridge, Huntington Woods, Birmingham, and the surrounding Detroit, MI areas, we're here to fill you in.

IPL works by delivering a specific set of light wavelengths to the affected area of the skin. These wavelengths interact with red and brown pigments - melanin and hemoglobin - in the skin. These pigments absorb the light energy during treatment and are destroyed. This helps eliminate or reduce the spots in the treated areas.

What does Lumecca IPL treat?

If you're considering Lumecca IPL in Royal Oak, we can help. This treatment can reduce pigmented and vascular lesions such as: 

An important note is that these kinds of blemishes can be treated anywhere on the body with this procedure. It's not limited to the face.

Does Lumecca IPL have side effects?

This treatment does have side effects, however, those side effects are actually the result of how the treatment works. They are usually mild and temporary and completely normal. However, it's important to know that after the procedure, you may experience: 

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Light bruising
  • Itching
  • Peeling
  • Scabbing

How effective is Lumecca IPL?

This procedure is highly effective. In fact, it's the most effective IPL treatment available. Most clients can expect to see a drastic reduction in their problem areas - up to 95% in many cases.

For mild cases, one treatment may be all that's necessary to achieve the desired outcome. However, for more severe cases of acne, rosacea, and other such conditions, several sessions will most likely be necessary.

Is Lumecca IPL right for me?

If you're considering Lumecca IPL in Royal Oak and the surrounding area, chances are that you'll be an excellent candidate. Most people are. However, there are some conditions that will prohibit the use of this procedure. If you have any of the following, IPL of any kind isn't recommended.

  • Hypersensitivity to near-infrared wavelength light
  • Excess sun exposure or artificial tan 4 weeks prior to the procedure
  • Medications that increase sensitivity to light
  • Light-induced seizures
  • Active localized or systemic infections or an open wound in the treatment area
  • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Significant systemic illness or illness localized in the treatment area
  • Herpes simplex in the treatment area
  • Are receiving or have received gold therapy
  • Have had Accutane (Isotretinoin) in the last six months

Let's Talk About Lumecca IPL

If you have age spots, spider veins, rosacea, or a similar skin issue, schedule a consultation with us. We'll discuss your specific issue and if Lumecca IPL can help. If you're a candidate, we'll walk you through the procedure and discuss how many treatments will be necessary to achieve optimal results. Come by and let's talk! 

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